Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I Like Big Buns and I Cannot Lie

I think I have bun fever and it's probably because my hair is unhealthy and I haven't gone in to get a trim in awhile. But, man I love a good bun! I've noticed that I have a few different versions of buns and I wanted to share with you them. Surprise! I don't use one of those bun-filler things either.

1) "Power" Bun

Not the boss? Well, come off looking like the boss with this slick back hairdo. Also, watch "Better Off Ted" because Portia De Rossi is who invented (or stole) the "Power" Bun and it's funny.

2) "Bed-Head" Bun

Effortless Chic. Barely try to put your hair in a bun for this look. And if you do...pull strands of it out. I threw on a wire crown to make it more formal. Ha.. formal.

3) "Fatty" Bun

If "Power" Bun hooked up with "Bed-Head" Bun then they'd have "Fatty" Bun. Slick back that hair but tease the rest. Then wrap that thick messy hair into a loose but structured bun. Ta-da! "Fatty" Bun!

4) "Ninety's" Bun(s)

Last, but not least, "Ninety's" Bun!! I honestly have yet to wear my hair out like this but I thought I'd try the look. Add a crop top and brown lipstick and instantly you're a Gwen Stefani knock-off. "I'm just a girl in the world, that's all I'll ever be!"

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